Before washing always brush the hair making sure the roots are not tangled and the bonds separated. Wet the hair then shampoo the hair using firm yet gentle massage making sure you thoroughly wash the whole head, stroke the ends only , rinse and repeat (2 shampoos). Squeeze gently the hair with a towel then generously apply your conditioner avoiding the roots/bonds. Brush it through the hair with a brush not just your fingers for an even application leave for up to 20 minutes. If you squeeze out the excess of water your conditioner won’t get diluted and work more effectively. Rinse well. Rough dry the hair in downward direction till it’s 80% dry. If you have bonds or tapes make sure that the bonds are dry and give them a cold blast to make sure they cool down to stay strong and hold the hair well. Apply serum to the ends. Smooth blow dry your hair with a hairdryer with nozzle and a round brush or paddle brush. If you wish to use curlers or straightners don’t forget to spray your heat protection recommended. The excessive use of hot styling tools will shorten the lifespan of the hair. Never sleep with your hair wet. Tie your hair on loose braids before going to bed it will be much easier to brush in the morning.